Version 1.8.1 of the MagHyst modular was published with multiple new features and improvements. It can be downloaded at Downloads / Software.

The most recent version of MagHyst® modular software includes several fixes and changes.

The following new features are included:

  • Shunt resistance and hardware module IDs are included in datasheet and ASCII export files
  • The characteristics tool includes a new color setting mode selection and easier color selection for new added charts
  • All measurement segments can now be shown or hidden in characteristics tool
  • New function added to characteristics tool to drop a charts and rotate it by 180° around z-axis

The following changes besides others are noteworthy:

  • B(H) charts is no longer part of multi-column export formats because of different H values for original chart and filtered chart.
  • Improvements to remote database management form to minimized accidential loss of entered data

The following fixes besides others are included in this software version:

  • Unhandled exception when exporting qsm in ASCII formats
  • Old filter option of measurements prior 2017 is ignored if set, because of interference with new filter method
  • Clear command in characteristics tool doesn't remove all data

The following issues in this software version are known:

  • If another measurement node under 'active' is selected during a running measurement, the parameters of the newly selected node may be overwritten by the measurement parameters of the currently running measurement.