MagHyst® mobile is the compact on-site testing system for the monitoring of function and condition of solenoid acutators as part of the regular maintenance.

MagHyst mobile for intermittent function and condition monitoring

MagHyst® mobile offers the opportunity to measure via smartphone or tablet and to visualize the evaluation results within very short time. Herewith it is possible to quickly detect wear, friction and other technical faults from the installed actuator.

The collected data of all used measurement devices can be stored in a central database for documentation and additional evaluation.

By using MagHyst® mobile the safety of monitored magnetic actuators can be increased and therewith maximize the protection of human, environment and technic.

MagHyst mobile for intermittent function and condition monitoring

Technical specfication

Power: 8V / 1A (battery mode available)– 80V / 2A
Dimensions: 12cm x 14cm x 17cm – 31cm x 17cm x 25cm
Weight: 1,8 – 7kg
Min. sample rate: 5kHz (dt = 0,2ms) - 30kHz (dt = 0,025ms) @ 16 bit
Interfaces: WLAN

