Version 1.7.8 of the MagHyst modular was published with multiple new features and improvements. It can be downloaded at Downloads / Software.
The recent version of MagHyst® modular software includes several changes and fixes.
The following features are added:
- An option "Import Measurement Data" is added to the file menu to simplify import of measurement data.
- An additional type of main module is supported.
The behaviour of the software has changed in the following aspects:
- Both file types are shown in import file select dialog.
- The node names in realy old databases are updated to the currently used names if required.
- A database update is started after the main windows is shown and the corresponding messages can now be seen.
The following fixes besides others are included in this software version:
- Measurements exported from the "active" node can not be seen after import.
- Data exported for MAXWELL could contain decreased flux density values with increased field strength values.
- Number of samples could be wrong for QSM in message panel.