Version 1.7.5 of the MagHyst modular was published with multiple new features and improvements. It can be downloaded at Downloads / Software.

The recent version of MagHyst® modular software includes several changes and fixes. An update of version 1.7.4 is strongly advised to prevent a possible problem resulting in wrong calibration parameters after degaussing.

The behaviour of the software has changed in the following aspects:

  • A given voltage offset is added and not substracted in degaussing tool form.
  • New default values for sampling time and decay rate in degaussing tool.
  • Impulse count of degaussing is reset to 40.
  • Geometry limits for rod adapter measurements are no longer forced. Instead unusual values are highlighted by a yellow background color.
  • Several optimisations in datasheets including additional rows for measurement method and measurement object.

The following fixes are included in this software version:

  • Contents of status bar is not reset after completing a degaussing procedure.