Version 1.7.2 of the MagHyst modular was published with multiple new features and improvements. It can be downloaded at Downloads / Software.

The recent version of MagHyst® modular software includes new functions and several fixes.

The following functions and features have been added:

  • Display of QSM starting curves can be turned on and off for already added measurements in characteristics tool
  • Measurement node text is shown italic if measurement parameters are changed after a measurement

The behaviour of the software has changed in the following aspects:

  • Datasheets and ASCII-export files include parameters used for measurement instead of last set parameter values
  • Numeric type conversions do not change the visible measurement parameters
  • Position of time part and measurement name part in new file naming scheme changed, time now before name and characteristic
  • Psi(i) and B(H) characteristics are now closed by default when auto closing mode is set

The following fixes are included in this software version:

  • Some measurement parameters are reset when changing a node text before measurement
  • Measurement date and time are in language specific format in SE-ASCII-Export format, should be german format
  • Unhandled exception in OnHintEvent when trying to convert float to decimal
  • Database version in ASCII export is wrong, if a database update is done after software start
  • Measurement time in datasheets and export files is wrong for QSM measurements
  • Several parameters in datasheets and exports are not valid or missing depending on the used measurement typ