Version of the MagHyst modular was published with multiple new features and improvements. It can be downloaded at Downloads / Software.

The most recent version of MagHyst® modular software includes several fixes and changes.

The following new features are included:

  • A function to extend the database to store more than 65536 characteristics is moved to the file menu.
  • The metadata panel includes explanations for parameters with special measing on the right side.

The following changes are noteworthy:

  • External data like these news or the update check use now https.
  • When exporting all measurements of a project, the current project name is suggested as filename.
  • Changing the database connection parameters in the properties panel disconnects the current database connection.

The following fixes besides others are included in this software version:

  • Error messages for database changes in conjunction with SQL 2014 are resolved.
  • Some items in the file menu could have a wrong enabled status.
  • An unhandeled exception may occur when importing measurements in a large database.
  • A problem is fixed causing large buttons and margins on the QSM and SRM forms.

The following issues in this software version are known:

  • If another measurement node under 'active' is selected during a running measurement, the parameters of the newly selected node may be overwritten by the measurement parameters of the currently running measurement.