Version 1.7.12 of the MagHyst modular was published with multiple new features and improvements. It can be downloaded at Downloads / Software.
The recent version of MagHyst® modular software includes a new feature, several changes, and fixes.
The behaviour of the software has changed as follows:
- If no naming scheme is used the last number is incremented instead of the first, when duplicating a measurement.
- Instead of another background color a message is shown, indicating to small sampling times.
- Resistance and geomtry values are now rounded in all ASCII export formats.
More smaller changes are listed in the changelog.
The following fixes besides others listed in the changelog are included in this software version:
- Datesheets where not created under special circumstances.
- An empty pdf datasheet is no longer created for empty measurement nodes.
- The minimal samling time of ring core measurements was too large.
- A problem with naming schemes containing an empty string between seprators is fixed.
- When using the legacy naming pattern for ASCII exports the folder name was included in the filename, too.
The following issues in this software version are known:
- If another measurement node under 'active' is selected during a running measurement, the parameters of the newly selected node may be overwritten by the measurement parameters of the currently running measurement.
- The measurement toolbar may not be visible after the start of the software, even when a database is opened and the MagHyst device connected. As a workaround reopen the database file or created measurements by context menu.