Version 1.7.10 of the MagHyst modular was published with multiple new features and improvements. It can be downloaded at Downloads / Software.

The recent version of MagHyst® modular software includes a new feature, several changes, and fixes.

The following new features are added:

  • The additional measurement channel selection is saved in database for each measurement.
  • A success message for XML export is added.

The behaviour of the software has changed as follows:

  • The relais is disconnected right after end of measurement and not after end of data transfer.
  • The dropdown list for additional measurement channels has been changed to seperate checkboxes for each channel.
  • External voltage Uext(t) is shown as characterisitcs name instead of H(t) for magnet systems and ring probes.
  • The psi(i) characteristic is shown first on step response measurement datasheet.
  • Menu entries for import and export of measurements are renamed and moved to projects menu.
  • Messages shown after ASCII export depend on type of export and exported node.
  • Color field in status bar only uses red and green. Red is shown during measurement or when no database is open, green if a measurement start is possible.

More smaller changes are listed in the changelog.

The following fixes besides others listed in the changelog are included in this software version:

  • A possible exception during import or import resulting in wrongly matched parameters is fixed.
  • Start measurement button of qsm is disabled after a srm measurement.
  • Uind1(c) is missing in the column legend in solenoid export format.
  • Checked additional measurement channels were not measured after disconnect and reconnect of the maghyst device, if the measurement nodes are created before the maghyst disconnect.
  • H(t) is zero for magnet systems or ring .
  • Project tree could be empty even if datebase is opened.

The following issues in this software version are known:

  • If another measurement node under 'active' is selected during a running measurement, the parameters of the newly selected node may be overwritten by the measurement parameters of the currently running measurement.